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darts2008057.jpgOur 2011 Tournament went off without a hitch, thanks to all our Participants, Sponsors and Volunteers.

Congratulations to Our Tournament Winners!

Click on Winners to see photos

Blind Draw 501 Friday Night:

1st...Rob Dixon and Todd Kemper

2nd....Brett Steckler and Doug McDonough

Blind Draw 501 Saturday:

1st....Tim Hopkins and Joe Heneghan

2nd....Howard Meyers and Joey Burt

Open Singles Cricket:

1st..... Joe Heneghan

2nd.....Howard Meyers

Open Doubles 501:

1st....Howard Meyers and Joey Burt

2nd...Tim chervin and Darian akers

Men's Singles 501:

1st....Joe Heneghan

2nd...John Kramer

Women's Singles 501

1st...Christa DeBoer

2nd...Tiffany Van Kirk

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